Ignite the Fire

Ignite the Fire began in April 2014, on Easter weekend, as a series of prayer worship nights at Robert & Reina's house. Their desire was to rekindle the passion and ignite the fire in those who were feeling burned out and dried spiritually through a Holy Spirit encounter during these worship services. Ignite the fire services continue to happen quarterly with the intention to ignite people's fire and passion for Jesus. There is personal prayer time for every one who comes.

Robert and Reina began ministering in deliverance together soon after their training with Audrey Lore in 2010. Following the first Ignite the Fire service Robert and Reina felt lead by the Lord to house their deliverance ministry and Ignite the Fire under Ignite the Fire Ministries; that is how ignite the Fire Ministries was born. In October 2015 Reina and Robert became members of CMA (Christian Ministers Association) of Canada. Ignite the Fire Ministries now offers: Deliverance, Prayer Counseling, Spiritual House Cleansing, Ignite the Fire worship nights, Deliverance training and Spiritual House Cleansing training.

It was Reina and Robert's dream to open an Ignite the Fire Ministries Spiritual Freedom Center, and on May 7, 2016 the first center opened in Langley, BC. If you want to be a part of helping people receive their freedom through this center go to the GIVE page and it will explain how. Ignite the Fire Ministries thanks you for your support.
 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.
Mark 16: 17-18, 20 (NKJV)

       Ignite the Fire Ministry Center Grand Opening day
From left to right: Tiny M., Audrey L., Reina C and Robert C.
It is Robert's and Reina's desire to see Jesus ignite your fire and set people free through His word, healing and deliverance. Also to see the body of Christ ministering in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to those in need.
       Ignite the Fire Ministry Center Grand Opening day
                                   pie and book sale
 Ignite the Fire Ministry Center Grand Opening day, pie sale
          From left to right: Diane, Bonnie and Raquel